Since 1949, Tanzini Quintilio’s mission has been to carry out its activity, within the regional territory, in the civil, industrial, commercial and managerial building sector with particular attention to quality and innovation and the application of new technologies in building materials. The development of the above mentioned activities is pursued through:
– The commitment to implement a Quality Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and to improve its effectiveness.
– The respect of the requirements of private and public clients.
– The achievement of the satisfaction of the expressed and unexpressed needs of the Client.
-The creation of a network of relationships and exchanges that favours and stimulates synergies at local and regional level.
– The increase in the professionalism of internal staff working at different levels to achieve the objectives through the establishment of a team capable of working in teams.
– An effective and efficient management of all logistical and organizational aspects of the worksite.
– The transparency of its internal operational and management procedures to protect and guarantee both internal staff and stakeholders.
– The control of the activities entrusted to the outside.